
July 13, 2009

Another Exciting Day!

So we practiced agility today, and I actually got video of it. I felt we needed help with our footwork (mine and the pups) so I can figure out how to handle Ellie. She is very sensitive to my body language, and often exaggerates my expressions. I will simply turn my shoulder (so I'm used to) and she'll run to the opposite end of the yard from where I was trying to send her. Ellie is also the fastest of my shelties I have ever worked with, and it is going to be a challenge to get her in shape. Agility and even obedience wise, she really does work like a border collie. Herding is where she shows her sheltie nature. You know the "run around and bark while the sheep run frantically the other direction" nature. Ellie says, "That's the fun part!"
Anyway, the video is up on YouTube. It is about 4 minutes long, and the majority of it is Ellie. Rose is really showing everyone she has potential. I, of course, already knew she had it.
The up and coming shows in the next month and a half ARE for a fact set in stone. I'll give the results when we get back. I can only hope they are good brags.

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