The collies are doing well. They are almost finished with their heartworm treatments.

They look so much better and happier. They are always together, so it's not just coincidental posing. Robby was a little scaredy-cat in the first picture, but he's not like that now. Their personalities shine like the morning sun. It is hard to believe these two were put in the shelter to begin with. They are potty trained, and they are very smart (though very sweet is often misinterpreted as dumb). When I got the call to go get them, I was told the collie rescue in that direction didn't have any open spots for them. They were ten years old and the shelter had shaved their fur, obviously both would make it difficult for people to see past during adoptions. I took a chance on them and here they are. Two months after I got these two, the same shelter called and said they have an 8-10 month old. I said I would be able to pick her up in the following week. Guess what, that same full rescue (with no adoptions placed from their homes) they suddenly had an opening. Hmmm... At least the poor dear isn't in the shelter any more.
Terry bought me a GPS! HELLO EASY DIRECTIONS! I'm so excited!
The shelties are doing well. I have already enrolled Ellie and Shaine in an obedience Class starting in January. After that class, we are going to start agility training. We have been working a little at home, but it's not consistent enough to be ring ready by fall. That is our hope is to be completely ready be fall or winter. Shaine already has a leg in Novice JWW. He could do it, but we need to perfect.
I suppose that is it for now. More posts next year! :) Happy New Year!